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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I tried to place documents about my family document in Keeper of the Fire in my UGRRQuiltCode Blogspot so that listeners of the 1/15/2015 radio program would be able to follow along and join our 1/15/2015 discussion.

 Our wonderful host, Bernice Bennett's on-line Geneaology BlogTalk Radio Program did her best to assist in clarification and a orderly presentation of thousands of years of history in one hour.  

This is the 2nd on-line radio interview I have done and I what to thank her for having me (Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp) as a guest. I will continue adding documents and more primary sources and Methodology. These post are part of the documents we will be discussing. I put the information here for your study & review. It continues my mission

To document, discuss preserve our families cultures and contribution to World & American History.

* In this blog I have covered the women except for the patterns cut into the skin to the dismay of my African friends, due to the wide age range of viewers and school groups. Please forgive the decision, I know it is the appropriate thing to do.

Regardless of the date 900 A.D. or 2,500 BC dates on the African patterns found in West Africa, I still can show that the patterns that are called “American Quilt patterns” are found in textiles that predate the Europeans arriving in America and definitely before the American Civil War which formally began is 1861. They are not Civil War Era patterns as has been suggested in American quilting circles. There was little dispute of the of the 900 A.D. dates.        

When I wrote on my Facebook page that my ancestor came from Awka here is one of the comments I received that I will be researching! In the book I discuss that the names were changed from Oka to Awka and it was hard for me to find more information and I had to look at old maps. Please leave comments and lets discuss!

"Thanks Teresa, but I'm not comfortabe with the
 hellenized spelling of this illustrous Igbo town name

 "Awka" instead of the real Oka, which is traceable to the

 Hebrew 'roka' as in "L'roka ha-aretz.al hamayim"of 

Tehillim 136./

(Below Right) are the pannels of the American Fan Quilt Pattern 
Lft African wrapped head adornment pounded to pleat the indigo fabric head wrapped
(Below) my late mother and my cousin Lynn Booram in front of the Hollingsworth Fan Pattern quilt in one of the families historic properties in South Carolina, Lynn'

s Grandmother is the Sister of my grandfather and Sally Strother was the historian for the Old 96th Daughters of the American Revolution and documented a lot of historic events.

Textile languages are not just in Africa. They are not just in banners, blankets or quilts.

Many of the textiles designs and colors show family,
nationalities or rank without word being spoken.

Crossroads African Textile and Cut Patterns

Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp in front of 2-tone indigo, reverse appliqued Crossroads pattern African Textile
Cross roads quilt pattern and other information symbols cut into the stomach & body



 There are 5 iterations of Hebrew. I was told the Hebrew in the Igbo language is the first iteration  prior to the Babylonian & Assyrian captivity of the tribes of Israel by Ethiopian Coptic clergy that visited my museum.

Consider what skills or hobbies you oldest family members practiced. Write down all the traits, names, customs, religious belief and that can give you clues about where you family origins could be. What are you attracted do you move a lot (nomadic) or do you stay settled. Were your family farmers, did they keep livestock, did they like water, swimming boating? All can be clues. What part does music or faith play in your daily life. Types of spices and foods they eat or grow can also give clues to the origins of your family.
Hebrew symbols

 How many symbols do you see in the textile below?

Diverse groups come together at my exhibits and share their knowledge with me 
while I share my family history and findings with the guest. Find a way to get community historians input on your research by visiting cultural centers, community events & talking with local genealogy groups.

I learn from the young & old patrons of my exhibits 

Bag Pipe musicians in kilts, the plaid fabric can be read like a billboard. 
We hosted many festivals so I could study the cultural similarities and learn more about the customs, attire and the symbolic meaning that are the same or different. 
Benin bronze plaque with short knife,
 kilt like attire & helmet like bag pipe group
Here is an Irish man sharing his culture with my son
Wagon Wheel quilt in the UGRR Quilt Code Plantation Collections & Wagon Wheels in the Benin Bronze Plaque
I have more than 50 mud cloth that have patterns of the UGRR Secret Quilt Code Museum as well as telling stories of village life, showing community cooperation and harmony. They address the skills of the group and relationships with livestock and animals of this Western African people.
Village Life Mud Cloth, shows women pounding rice, man weaving,
spinning cotton, a women carrying a basket on her head. 

Shows a community cluster of homes, domesticated horse and the technique to twist cotton into thread, weave it into strips an cover parts that should stay white with bees wax/ They mix natural pigments into mud paint them on and let the textile dry in the sun crack it off and the result are the beautiful textiles you see here.

Woman carrying basket on her head man working in garden, domesticated animals, 
birds flying cross road pattern logs & rails patterned boarder.

Dogon people of Mali have documented their festival that takes place every 69 years in this textile.

At first I was upset with my mother for writing on textiles now I am so glad she did. We know the dates, the location and the group where many of the textiles were collected.

 The patterns and designs have been passed down from generation to generation in families of weavers in Ghana, West Africa. Unlike other cultures and groups the men do the weaving of Kente.

All of the languages were not only put in fabrics. Above note the matching 
designs on both the Igbo girl and the mud cloth textile.  The textile and the photo are 90 years apart.


My mother brought me eight Adinkra stamps from her research trip to Ghana. Below left is one of them.

The patterned gourd is  dipped in natural dye and stamped on the fabric in specific patterns to communicate a message or funeral information. 

Colors and the shapes have meanings.There are posters of both Kente and Adinkra symbol meanings that I display when I exhibit.

Note the designs and patterns in the textile above on the left it is one of the quilts done by my family 

Kente Exhibit curated by the Coubagy's  at the UGRR Secret Quilt Code Museum in Atlanta, GA

This Kente is done in Ghana, West Africa.

Though we think of Kente from Ghana the impotant thing to remember is it was not until the last 4 hundred years when Africa was subdivide into different countries and ethenic groups. Look at these maps:
Jacob Hondius's Map of Africa 1563-1612
1743_Homann Heirs Map of West Africa Slave Trade references-Guinea - Geographicus - Aethiopia

Centuries old practice of the use of body maps was documented by Friedrich Ratzel in 1890's
Languages and messages were put on both people and in textiles. Below I wanted to show these two photos side by side though they were acquired 80 years apart both are in our African photo & Textile Collections at the UGRR Secret Quilt Code Museum. Don't assume culture is only writen in books or on scrolls.

Run Away advertisement with straight lined scars on his cheeks
Committed to James City prison a man with country marks on his face. 
Tools used to make the cuts in the body for Ichie or Country Marks

Sampler quilt cut into the stomach of the young African Girl is one way the patterns were brought to America.
UGRR Secret Quilt Code Museum Sampler in the Plantation Quilts Collections.
850,000 visitors from over 80 countries and
48 states wrote their diverse history in my guest books at the 

UGRR Secret Quilt Code Museum Exhibit 2005-2007.

One Group that visited the Underground Railroad Secret Quilt Code Museum
1830 slave quilted textile in the Slave Relic Museum in North Carolina was on
Antique Road Show & appraised by Nancy Druckman of Sotheby's in New York City

You can see it's the same symbol only done in a textile, both found in North America.
The logo on the doors of the the National Archive of Columbia.

National Archives of Colombia & 

Cuba Publish Slave Trade Records Online 

One of five Slave Trees where people were sold for centuries in Zambia Africa. 

The above information are excerpts from my book
"Keeper of the Fire"

Follow me on GoodReads.com Author Page Teresa R. Kemp

Sign up for the "Keeper of the Fire" book giveaway!

Visit www.PlantationQuilts.com

For book signing, exhibits or programs: 

Call Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp in USA at (404) 468-7050.

We would love to hear from you. 

Leave your comments or questions.

Igbo: E kwere m ị me ọke m. 
English Translation: "I agree to do my part"‏

Follow us on Facebook: Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp &

UGRR Secret Quilt Code Museum

Twitter: @UGRRQuiltMuseum

Email me at: trkemp@PlantationQuilts.com

Tuesday, January 13, 2015




Here are some of the sources you can use to document your African history.

I tried to place documents about my family document in Keeper of the Fire in my UGRRQuiltCode Blogspot so that listeners of the 1/15/2015 radio program would be able to follow along and join our 1/15/2015 discussion.

 Our wonderful host, Bernice Bennett's on-line Geneaology BlogTalk Radio Program did her best to assist in clarification and a orderly presentation of thousands of years of history in one hour.  

This is the 2nd on-line radio interview I have done and I what to thank her for having me (Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp) as a guest. I will continue adding documents and more primary sources and Methodology. These post are part of the documents we will be discussing. I put the information here for your study & review. It continues my mission

To document, discuss preserve our families cultures and contribution to World & American History.

Code de Hammurabi -
The Code of Hammurabi is one of the known tablets of Babylonian Law Code of ancient Mesopotamia, dated to about 1754 BC. It is one of the oldest
deciphered writings of significant length in the world.

The sixth Babylonian king, Hammurabi enacted the code.
It discusses slavery as an existing institution.
Partial copies exist on a human-sized stone Stele and
various clay tablets. The Code consists of 282 laws.

Known in other areas, Mesopotamia from the
Ancient Greek: Μεσοποταμία "[land] between rivers"
Arabic: بلاد الرافدين‎ (bilād al-rāfidayn) Syriac: ܒܝܬ ܢܗܪܝܢ Beth Nahrain "land of rivers") is a name for the area of the Tigris–Euphrates river system   corresponding to modern-day Iraq, Kuwait. The northeastern section of Syria and to a lesser extent southeastern Turkey  and smaller parts of southwestern Iran.

(I had to go to a source to find the free image 
& fonts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesopotamia)

Sumerian Writing 26th Century BC Adab

Ikom monoliths Cross River State, Nigeria Africa over 200+ there
Ikom monolith Cross River State, Nigeria Africa
Ikom monoliths Cross River State Nigeria 
Al-Hassan ibn Muhammad 1494 – 1554 c. documented his life in autobiographical works. Born in Granada, his family relocated while he was an infant to Fez, Morrocco where he grew up and attended جامعة القرويين (Arabic for The University of al-Qarawiyyin or al-Karaouine). The al-Qarawiyyin mosque religious college in 859 c. was founded by Fatima al-Fihri with an associated madrasa (school) which became one of the leading spiritual and educational centers of the world. Note: I usually see it categorized as the educational center of the Muslim world. (There is not one University in America founded in the 9th century.)

(Below) Books by حسن ابن محمد الوزان الفاسي  (Arabic for al-Hassan ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Faswere written in 1556 in Latin and translated into old English in 1600. They document his travels in Africa and is one of the oldest surviving records of African Kingdoms he visited.

There are still original accounts from this Andalusian Berber explorer detailing his explorations in Southern Europe & in Africa. He traveled with his uncle on recorded diplomatic missions as far as Timbuktu, Africa in 1510, which was part of the Songhai Empire.

In 1517, when returning from a diplomatic trip on behalf of the Sultan of Fez to Constantinople, he was at the Port of Rosetta during the Ottoman conquest of Egypt, Africa. He traveled through Cairo and Aswan across the Red Sea to Arabia where he completed a pilgrimage to Mecca. Returning to Tunis, he was captured by Spanish corsairs near the island of Djerba (near Crete) and was taken to Rome. Initially held in the Castel Sant’Angelo, he was released when his importance was realized and presented as a gift (freed?) to Pope Leo X. Al-Hassan ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fas’s name was changed to Leo Africanus.
Portrait of a Humanist by Sebastiano del Piombo, c. 1520, 

assumed to be of Al-Hasan ibn Muhammad Al-Wazzan, 

known in the west as Leo Africanus.

He also took the names al-Asad al-Gharnati (Arabic), Joannes Leo de Medicis (Latin), Giovanni Leone (Italian), and Yuhanna. Leo Africanus spent the next four years traveling through Italy after leaving Rome. While staying in Bologna he wrote a Latin, Hebrew and Arabic medical vocabulary. Only the Arabic part has survived, and a grammar for the Arabic language, (only an eight pages has survived). He returned to Rome in 1526, under the protection of Pope Clement VII

According to Africanus, he completed his manuscript on the African geography in 1526. The work, titled Della descrittione dell’Africa ET delle cose notabili che iui sono, per Giovan Lioni Africano (written in Italian) was published in 1550, by the Venetian publisher Giovanni Battista Ramusio. The book was reprinted five times due to its popularity. It was also translated into French and Latin editions that were published in 1556. An English version was published in 1600, titled A Geographical Historie of Africa. The Latin edition, which contained many errors and mis-translations, was used as the source for the English translation.

Little is known about his later life but at the time he visited the west African city of Timbuktu, it was the center of commerce carried on by international traders in African products, gold, spices, Islamic books, printed cottons and slaves. While I was ill, 2007 to last year, I’d travel daily, on-line to exotic places. The first place I wanted to go was “Timbuktu” in present day Mali. It is import here to include something about the archives and libraries of Timbuktu.

There are several open to the public: Ahmed Baba Institute of Higher Learning and Islamic Research (IHERI-AB) Government of Mali – Holdings of over 30,000 manuscripts. The government of Mali had instituted the Ahmed Baba Centre for Documentation and Research (CEDRAB-the abbreviated title it is generally referred to in French) in Timbuktu in 1973. The origins of the Centre go back to a meeting convened by UNESCO, in 1967 in Timbuktu.

The Mamma Haidara Memorial Library Abdel Kader Haidara, custodian of Mamma Haidara Library. The Mamma Haidara Library was started by Abdul Kader Haidara, former employee of the Ahmed Baba Institute (IHERI-AB). After leaving the Centre he devoted all of his time and energy to preserve his own family’s manuscript collection and was successful in setting up the Mamma Haidara Memorial Library, which was the first of its kind in Mali. The Haidara family is renowned for its scholars and judges. Abdul Kader’s father, Mamma Haidara, was not only a Qadi (judge), but also a scholar who taught classical Islamic sciences such as Jurisprudence and Arabic Grammar. His personal library dates back to the 16th century and is one of the largest and oldest collections in the city. This library was established by Mamma Haidara’s forebear, Mohamed El Mawlud, and was handed down to his descendants, generation after generation. Mamma Haidara added to it substantially, buying manuscripts while studying in Egypt and Sudan. He also studied under local scholars in the village learning Centres of Arawan and Boujbeyha, procuring manuscripts there as well. In addition to his Timbuktu library, Mamma Haidara had also established an archive in the village of Bamba. Abdul Kader began cataloguing his inherited collection and was assisted by the al-Furqan Heritage Foundation in London, which agreed to publish his catalogue. Currently four of the projected five volumes in the catalogue have been published. 

The Timbuktu Andalusian Library (Fondo Ka’ti)                    Fondo Ka'ti Library - The Biblioteca Andalusi de Tombuctu, less elaborately referred to as the Fondo Ka’ti Library was officially opened on September 27th, 2003, with generous funding from the Spanish government because of the links of the Ka’ti family, the founders of the library, with Spain. The library was started by Ismael Diadié Haidara, descendent of Mahmud Ka’ti, the famous Timbuktu chronicler renowned for his Ta'rikh al-Fattash. Ismael claims that his paternal family descends from Roderique the Goth, the Christian ruler of Spain at the time of the arrival of the Arabs under the leadership of Tariq ibn Ziyad. The Christian rulers were split over whether to welcome the Arabs or to oppose them and he explains that his ancestors welcomed the Arabs and were amongst the first to embrace Islam. His ancestor ‘Ali ibn Ziyad finally left Andalusia in the 1460’s and settled in the village of Goumbou, on the border of Mauritania and Mali. ‘Ali ibn Ziyad married Khadija, sister to the Songhai ruler, Askia Muhammad. In this way Spanish, Arab and African lineages were mingled and finally found abode in Timbuktu.

The al-Wangari Manuscript Library                                           al-Wangari Library - The al-Wangari Manuscript Library was officially opened on September 26 2003 and is overseen by Mukhtar bin Yayha al-Wangari. The library consists of approximately 3000 manuscripts and is based on the original library of Shaykh Muhammad Baghayogho, a distinguished 16th-century shaykh and jurist originally from the town of Jenne. This collection contains many works by Sudanese and Moroccan scholars. The oldest document consists of copied parts of the Qur’an and is dated to 1695. Besides religious texts, it also contains some important historical documents.

The library was established sometime between Shaykh Baghayogho al-Wangari’s settlement in Timbuktu and his death in 1594. Although the library was preserved by the shaykh’s son and then several generations after him, it ultimately dissolved over time. The manuscripts were scattered amongst various family members in Jenne, Goundam and also Timbuktu. It was through the efforts of Mukhtar bin Yayha al-Wangari that a comprehensive attempt to recollect these manuscripts was made. Through research involving oral testimony and primary written documentation, as well as meetings with the entire family, he managed to revive Shaykh Muhammad Baghayogho’s Library. There are other libraries open to the public like Imam Soyuti with 800 manuscripts and Jingere-Ber with 500. All of these and the manuscript digitization project can be found at www.tombouctoumanuscripts.org/. Tombouctou Manuscripts Project is supported by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung (https://www.gerda-henkel-stiftung.de/foundation) and the University of Cape Town (http://www.uct.ac.za/).

  Tree Bark was use as the canvas for this painting of an African woman that was gifted to the UGRR Secret Quilt Code African Artifact Collection

(Below) Gift from the Zambian vendor Joseph Kosa to the UGRR Secret Quilt Code Museum so we would know & tell about Zambia Slavery to North America
Tree bark fabric map showing slaving route from
Zambia slave tree thru Tanzania to the Coast
Don't look in English even in America.
Many languages exisited prior to English and there are records throughout Africa in many know and also unknow languages. Here are just a few that have been given to our archive or museum over the years to compare to the symbols in our textiles.

Comparison of Early Writing Forms 
Old Persian Cuneiform Writing
The Bible, Torah & Korarn, explorers and missionaries documented the existence of schools in all parts of Africa for centuries. Many are documented in photos and sketches prior to 1800's and then the British has a Colonial Archive of videos of Africa and Areas they colonized,

School in street Sahel Africa
School in Yoruba Area Nigeria Africa
A school at Jenne, Mali Africa
School group being taught in Sudan Africa
There are songs and legends of the Awka Metalsmiths
that have been passed down from generation to generation in my family

The above information are excerpts from my book
"Keeper of the Fire"

Follow me on GoodReads.com Author Page Teresa R. Kemp
Sign up for the "Keeper of the Fire" book giveaway!

Visit www.PlantationQuilts.com

For Book Signing, Exhibits or programs: 
Call Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp in USA at (404) 468-7050.
We would love to hear from you. 

Leave your comments or questions.

Igbo: E kwere m ị me ọke m. 
English Translation: "I agree to do my part."‏

Follow us on Facebook: Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp &
UGRR Secret Quilt Code Museum

Twitter: @UGRRQuiltMuseum
Email Me at: trkemp@PlantationQuilts.com