Video Presentations at the UGRR Quilt Code Traveling Exhibits Give Overview of the Historic Underground Railroad in America
Mrs. Teresa Kemp
Historian, Quilter, Griot
Historian, Quilter, Griot
"I fight Modern Slavery - Human Trafficking by using the my families historic Underground Railroad exhibits to call attention to the Modern Slavery issues today!"
Click or Call numbers below if you need assistance:
The NHTRC is a program of Polaris Project, a non-profit, non-governmental organization
working exclusively on the issue of human trafficking.
working exclusively on the issue of human trafficking.
We are not a government entity, law enforcement or an immigration authority
Teresa R. Kemp, guest curator, usually shows the CBS News "Commemorating Slaves' Freedom" Video that gives an overview of the struggle of the freedom seekers and the efforts of abolitionist in America.
The video was shown on national television, in America,
the day of the opening of the Underground Railroad National Freedom Center in Cincinnati, OH.
They were proud to be honored and our family story selected to be featured in both the book "Hidden in Plain View" Co-authored by Dr. Jacqueline L. Tobin & Dr. Raymond G. Dobard, previewed on Oprah Winfrey Show and by the CBS News.
Mrs. Serena Strother Wilson, Art History Maker
Born in Edgefield, SC (1934-2012)video taped interviews with Serena Wilson.
Below is the CBS camera crew with
Teresa R. Kemp & her late mother, Serena Wilson
at the UGRR Underground Railroad Station,
Kelton House in Columbus, Ohio.
Mrs. Kemp's late mother was one
of their supporters &
of their supporters &
often volunteered as a docent to give groups a tour.
Mrs. Serena Strother Wilson took dirt from the
Kelton House garden to Freedom Center's
Commemorative walk across
the bridge of the Ohio River
Commemorative walk across
the bridge of the Ohio River
(Called "River Jordan) in Cincinnati, OH.
The Wilson & Kemp families symbolically
walked across
with other abolitionist families
and international supporters at the
walked across
with other abolitionist families
and international supporters at the
2004 Grand Opening.
Interviewed Serena at her home in Columbus, OH, she was quilting with her good friend,
Mildred H. Washington.
Students get to see them
Students get to see them
working on one of the sampler quilts in the video
that is shown in the exhibit.
that is shown in the exhibit.
Mrs. Laurie Seron, her daughter,
Sr. Historian of the UGRR National Freedom Center,
Carl Westmoreland &
Serena Strother Wilson -
Master Quilter and Art Historian
Master Quilter and Art Historian
in front of Slave Pen at the opening celebration of
the Underground Railroad
National Freedom Center. (Below)
National Freedom Center. (Below)
They are standing in front of a authentic "Slave Pen"
Slave pens where where enslaved people
were chained against their will, while
waiting to be sold in Slave Markets in American.
were chained against their will, while
waiting to be sold in Slave Markets in American.
This slave pen above was moved to the
Underground Railroad Nation Freedom Center
in Cincinnati, OH.
Underground Railroad Nation Freedom Center
in Cincinnati, OH.
The video tape continues with The Early Show's
co-anchor Harry Smith's interview with
at the Freedom Center's celebration dinner.
"I discuss that Oprah (in the video)
did not know what
did not know what
she would do in the situation of slavery.
She comments that there weren't free African &
African Americans who were abolitionist that
helped with monies,
helped with monies,
jobs, clothing, employment and housing.
We know she is familiar with Frederick Douglass 

(Click photo to hear his story)
Free and enslaved populations (in some places)
co-existed with slavery, the same way we do now
with what is called "Human Trafficking".
(Click to hear her story)
Harriett Tubman (Click to hear her story)
and many others but that she was on
"the spot" in the interview.
"the spot" in the interview.
I talk to the students about
"Reconciliation Skills",
that often adults or children
might say something they did not mean,
"Reconciliation Skills",
that often adults or children
might say something they did not mean,
but on the spot it can be misinterpreted
or hurtful to others that hear the statements.
We discuss ways to apologize or mend the breach.
If there is anyone there they were offended by or they have offended.
I want them to "mend the breach"
during the Exhibit and Gallery Activities.
"Sadly, Atlanta, where I live, is one of the most active
Human Trafficking hub in the Nation.
We must do whatever we can to taken actions
to fight the for enslaved!"
to fight the for enslaved!"
---T.R. Kemp
In Covina, California at the Library Exhibit, some students watched the video first.
Another part of the students group went to
the Arts & Crafts Activity.
the Arts & Crafts Activity.
Some of the group part learned how the
"UGRR Quilt Codes" were used.
"UGRR Quilt Codes" were used.
A brief overview of the
African textile languages that make up the
African textile languages that make up the
Underground Railroad Quilt Code
Patterns is given, then students,
(Grades 2nd - 8th)
explored the exhibit.
Patterns is given, then students,
(Grades 2nd - 8th)
explored the exhibit.
Many guest at exhibits are interested in the
teaching tool - UGRR Sampler Quilts.
teaching tool - UGRR Sampler Quilts.
Military Historians Honor 101st & 82nd Airborne
They hold last UGRR Sampler quilt
made with her late mother
at the program to honor Military Veterans
They hold last UGRR Sampler quilt
made with her late mother
at the program to honor Military Veterans
the 4th Annual Cornbread Jubilee & Festival of Breads Feb. 15th, 2014
held at Jim Hamilton Owens Field Airport in Columbia, SC.
held at Jim Hamilton Owens Field Airport in Columbia, SC.
This East African black and tan leather Crazy Quilt
with Crossroads quilt pattern
is hand painted and stamped. (Below)
with Crossroads quilt pattern
is hand painted and stamped. (Below)
Some of the mosaic pieces are smaller than your fingers.
One of the African Collection's Adinkra Textiles
Nationwide, (SC to California), guest view and
photograph quilt displays at exhibits.
photograph quilt displays at exhibits.
Guest at the Lawrenceville Female Seminary
Exhibit in Lawrenceville, GA.
All our visitors were accommodated
during the 2005-2007
Underground Railroad Secret Quilt Code Museum
Exhibit in Underground Atlanta, Atlanta, GA.
during the 2005-2007
Underground Railroad Secret Quilt Code Museum
Exhibit in Underground Atlanta, Atlanta, GA.
"Atlanta's Quilt Lady" with guest
quilters, historians & genealogist.
Family History sheets were given our to encourage
documenting your community or family history.
documenting your community or family history.
Mrs. Teresa Kemp answers questions
about the Shakeree artifact with Hebrew symbols.
about the Shakeree artifact with Hebrew symbols.
Below groups view the "Celebration of Red Exhibit" at the St.
Luke AME Church's Youth History Program in Lone Star, SC, February 16th, 2014.
She had copies of original Glynn County, GA
USA plantation wills
dated 1844 & 1858 naming
Rev. Peter Farrow Sr. & his wife, Eliza as their slaves.
Dr. Maddy & new friends at the
UGRR Quilt Code Museum
Mrs. Kemp's relative Paul Higgins, who lives
in the LA area viewed Exhibit
in the LA area viewed Exhibit
Diverse groups with common interest meet at exhibits.
Historians viewing several posters
with the translations
of African symbols meanings.
Ghanaian woven Kente Cloth Textiles
with Jewish symbols of dreidels. (Below)
with Jewish symbols of dreidels. (Below)
African King's stools in the Kente Cloth Kente textile
West African raffia palm textile from
Ghana, West Africa
with Hebrew symbolsare always the topic of conversations. (Below)
Ghana, West Africa
with Hebrew symbolsare always the topic of conversations. (Below)
See how many symbols you can find using
Chart of Hebrew characters. (Below)
* (Hint: Some are upside down or on their side)
The posters were displayed of the translations
of Textile Languages from 3,300 BC
still understood and in use today worldwide.
At the UGRR Secret Quilt Code Museum Exhibit
formerly located in Atlanta, GA
formerly located in Atlanta, GA
(formerly located in Underground Atlanta Mall),
there were 7 video monitors and
they could add up to 150 chairs
for large groups to view videos.
there were 7 video monitors and
they could add up to 150 chairs
for large groups to view videos.
Kids Craft Corner was a favorite place for
daily Crafting Activities.
daily Crafting Activities.
Groups do geometrical mathematical based
UGRR Arts & Crafts Activity
UGRR Arts & Crafts Activity
that is always a part of the visit. (Above)
Students are shown (age appropriate) math
activities are part of their everyday life and they are already good at calculations.
activities are part of their everyday life and they are already good at calculations.
Quilters compared the
African made Kente cloth textile patterns,
to the American Plantation Quilt patterns
with same designs at the
held in Savannah, GA
March 27-30th, 2014.
Hundreds of SCAD
(Savannah College of Art & Design)
students viewed the Quilt show and Exhibit.
Hundreds of SCAD
(Savannah College of Art & Design)
students viewed the Quilt show and Exhibit.
Nigerian two tone hand dyed Indigo
with cotton woven,
reverse applique textiles
with cotton woven,
reverse applique textiles
lead to many discussions about
the Igbo tribes' people taken for agricultural abilities to grow rice, cotton and sugar cane.
Students found the Igbo & related tribes
had ancient knowledge
had ancient knowledge
of weaving, processing indigo plants for dye,
fine carpentry & metal smithing skills.
fine carpentry & metal smithing skills.
Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp, owner of Plantation Quilts & Gifts
exhibited 43 Historic textiles and artifacts.
Mildred H. Washington Master Quilter - Pickerington, OH
President of Quilters for Christ,
assisted & guided quilters thru exhibits of her Bits & Pieces Quilts,
also featured at the show.
assisted & guided quilters thru exhibits of her Bits & Pieces Quilts,
also featured at the show.
Students are given an (age appropriate)
Plan of Action for what they can do.
Plan of Action for what they can do.
for a more detailed listing
- US Department of State - 20 Ways You Can Help Fight Human Trafficking
- HELP ID ME - Missing Children's photos and info
Facebook page devoted to identifying missing children to share with friends
I make sure they know address, phone numbers,
how to get home or a place someone will recognize them.
(Schools, their library, community centers)
They can check to see how their state rates
in the Fight Against Slavery produced
by the Polaris Project Map of the United States:
in the Fight Against Slavery produced
by the Polaris Project Map of the United States:
You can click on this link to
Polaris Project's website see what
Polaris Project's website see what
legislation is proposed, pending or
passed in their states
to fight Human Trafficking.
passed in their states
to fight Human Trafficking.
They are given information on how to safely report
Human Trafficking (National or International) or
to call for help if abducted:
- UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- World Relief
- Metropolitan Police UK
Articles about groups like:
- IJM (International Justice Mission)
- Hagar International
- CRS - Article Catholic Church is joining forces with local law enforcement agencies
Now Booking 2014 - 2017 Events
Call Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp
at (404) 468-7050
Schedule Your Program Today.
* For the Adults Health Care workers, Teachers and Parents:
Our Take 25 campaign encourages parents and guardians, educators, law-enforcement officers and other trusted adults to Pledge to take 25 minutes out of their day to talk to children about safety. Currently, more than 400 people have pledged 25 minutes each, that’s almost 10,000 minutes of safety conversations. You can be one of the featured champions by taking the Pledge today.
Children's Health Care of Atlanta
This web-based training series is presented by The Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Stephanie V. Blank Center for Safe and Healthy Children and the Governor's Office for Children and Families
KYAAP - In Kentucky, House Bill 3 requires all individuals to report suspected human trafficking of a child to DCBS. Human Trafficking Hotline Number is: 1 888-373-7888. The information will be kept confidential and will be used for reporting purposes only.
KYAAP - In Kentucky, House Bill 3 requires all individuals to report suspected human trafficking of a child to DCBS. Human Trafficking Hotline Number is: 1 888-373-7888. The information will be kept confidential and will be used for reporting purposes only.