Discussion Pages

Friday, January 16, 2015

Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp, Plantation Quilts
I want to thank Bernice Bennett host of "Research at the National Archives & Beyond", for having me as a guest last night. (1/15/2015) 
This on-line radio program kicked off the 2015 new year for me to re-focus on the goals. She gave me the opportunity to continue my family's mission.
I appreciate all of you all who tuned into "Research at the National Archives & Beyond". Thanks for liking my FB Author page (Mrs. Teresa R, Kemp) the museum FB page, UGRR Secret Quilt Code Museum, Google+ and visiting my UGRRQuiltCode.blogspot.com, where I put documents for Radio discussion & to assist you in finding sources and methodology to document your family or community.

It is only my second time doing on-line talk radio. Thankfully the program is archived in a Podcast for you to check out at a time that is more convenient.

I have put over 1,000 years of primary sources we used to verify and document our family's former oral history. I will continue adding documents weekly, by generation and answering your questions. 

We provide assistance in research, reports and more free of charge. Students give me at least a weeks notice and lead time to locate relevant documents and photos for school/university reports. 
I started with the Farrow - McDaniel side of my family. Peter was Ibo (Igbo, Ebo) from "Akwa" (Both the town name in Nigeria, Africa and the word for the legendary metal smiths in the craft guild of that town). 

The historic Strother & McDaniel families merge when William & Nora Bell (Farrow) McDaniel have Mary Eva McDaniel, my maternal grandmother, who married Milton Strother. See the posts generations 1-5.

Here is a high level overview of the Farrow Line:

I. Peter and Eliza Farrow Sr.
II. Their son Peter and 'Liza (Smith) Farrow Jr.
III. Their daughter Nora (Farrow) McDaniels & William McDaniels
IV. Their daughter Mary Eva (McDaniel) Strother & Milton & Strother

V. Their daughter Serena (Strother) Wilson & Howard Wilson, Ph.D.

VI. Their daughter Teresa R. Wilson Kemp (Me)

Documenting my African family history has been the work of 5 generations leaving bread crumbs for me on the path least taken. They are the subject of our book "Keeper of the Fire", finally published in 2014.

The above information are excerpts from my book
"Keeper of the Fire"
Click on the book to purchase your copy today

Follow me on GoodReads.com Author Page Teresa R. Kemp

Sign up for the "Keeper of the Fire" book giveaway!

Visit www.PlantationQuilts.com

For book signings, exhibits or programs: 

Call Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp in USA at (404) 468-7050.

We would love to hear from you.
Leave your comments or questions.

Igbo: E kwere m ị me ọke m. 
English Translation: "I agree to do my part."‏

Follow us on Facebook: Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp &
UGRR Secret Quilt Code Museum

Twitter: @UGRRQuiltMuseum
Email me at: trkemp@PlantationQuilts.com

Thursday, January 15, 2015


I tried to place documents about my family document in Keeper of the Fire in my UGRRQuiltCode Blogspot so that listeners of the 1/15/2015 radio program would be able to follow along and join our 1/15/2015 discussion.

 Our wonderful host Bernice Bennett's Geneaology BlogTalk Radio Program did her best to assist in clarification and a orderly presentation of thousands of years of history in one hour.  

This is the 2nd on-line radio interview I have done and I what to thank her for having me (Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp) as a guest. I will continue adding documents and more primary sources and Methodology. These post are part of the documents we will be discussing. I put the information here for your study & review. It continues my mission

To document, discuss preserve our families cultures and contribution to World & American History.

If you know of a facility I have missed please leave it in the comments and I will happily add it!

19 APRIL 1796 PG 3 COL. 4
25 DOLLARS REWARD—Ran away from the subscriber's plantation, on Savannah Back River, a few days ago, the following NEGROES, viz:  A Negro man, named SAMPSON, lately purchased of Capt. John Dilworth, of Camden County, in this State; he is full 6 feet high, very black, his head pretty grey, walks upright, is supposed to be between 40 and 50 years of age, and formerly belonged to the estate of the late Henry Sourby; he is well known in the southern parts of this State, being used to go between St. Mary's and Savannah, in a boat with Mr. Dilworth, and it’s supposed to be gone to St. Mary's, Beaufort, or some of the Sea Islands, as he went away in a small Canoe.--Also, from the same Plantation about the same time, a young Negro Fellow, named SIMON, also very black, active and artful; about twenty years of age, near six feet tall, very likely, strong and well made, is apt to flutter a little, if surprized or sharply spoken to, born in South Carolina, and purchased by me, together with his mother, brother and sisters, of the estate of Col. Joseph Maybank of St. Thomas's Parish in that State, where it is probable he may attempt to go; it is said he has a wife either at Mr. Campbell's plantation, adjoining mine, or at Dr. Channings on Savannah River.  A Reward of Twenty DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehending and delivering Sampson to me in Savannah, and five dollars for Simon.  If either of them are harboured, the person so doing may expect to be prosecuted.  JOHN GLEN.  Savannah, April 18th.

Nigerians Taken to Australia see:

Black Loyalist
: Canada’s Digital Collection: Black Loyalists - Our History, Our People: http://blackloyalist.com/

National Archives of Canada: www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/

Nathaniel Dett British Methodist Episcopal Memorial Chapel - Niagara Canada: http://www.heritagetrust.on.ca/Slavery-to-Freedom/Partners/Nathaniel-Dett-Memorial-Chapel-British-Methodist-E.aspx

Nova Scotia Museum: http://novascotia.ca/museum/blackloyalists/resources.htm

Old School House Museum – Birchtown, Nova Scotia Canada:

Textile Museum of Canada - www.textilemuseum.ca/cloth_clay/


ARUBA – Wild Huisje, Ft. Zoutman, Santa Cruz, Mgsr. Niewindtstraat 37

CUBA – Viñales Valley, Cafetal Angerona, Rule-Guanabacoa, Castle of San Severino, Trinidad and the Valley of Wits, Ruins of Ingenio, The Demajagua, Mining town and Preserve Copper, The Tumba Francesa East of Charity, Archaeological Landscape of the first Coffee plantations in southeastern

CUBAN GENEAOLOGY – Historias de Familias Cubanas
If you haven't already done so, the first place to look for Cuban family trees is the 9-volume Historia de Familias Cubanas by the noted Cuban genealogist Francisco Javier de Santa Cruz y Maillen, Count of Jaruco. For a list of the surname chapter headings of this work and information on how to get copies of the full text of the entries click the above link.

Enciclopedia Heráldica y Genealógica Hispano-Americana -The second place to look for Cuban family trees is the 88-volume Enciclopedia Heráldica y Genealógica Hispano-Americana by the Spanish genealogists Alberto and Arturo Garcia Carraffa. These cover mostly names starting with the letters A-U only, since the authors both died before completing the Encyclopedia. There are, however, some names listed that start with the letters V-Z. An on-line interactive index to the surnames appearing in this work has been prepared by the US Library of Congress and is available by clicking on the following Index. The Index also lists names appearing in the Mogrobejo work described below and also lists various libraries in the United States that have the Carraffa Encyclopedia in their collection.

A printed index to the surname headings of the Carraffa Encyclopedia appears in the 1966 book Hispanic Surnames and Family History by Lyman D. Platt (ISBN: 0-8063-1480-X) which you can get from your local library on interlibrary loan or purchase in many genealogical book stores.
Click on the link at the head of this Section for full details on the Carraffa Encyclopedia and information on where to get copies of the actual chapter entries.

These books, by the contemporary basque genealogist and publisher Endika de Mogrobejo, continue the Carraffa Encyclopedia starting alphabetically with the surname "Urriza". To date 12 volumes have been announced, although only the first 6 volumes seem to be currently available. Click on the above link for the alphabetic range of surnames covered in each volume. The US Library of Congress on-line interactive Index to the Carraffa Encyclopedia described previously also includes the surnames appearing in the first 6 volumes of this work. The entries corresponding to the Endika de Mogrobejo work are indicated by volume numbers preceded by an "E".

These books can be obtained on interlibrary loan, purchased directly from Spain via the Internet, or purchased at the Ediciones Universal bookstore in Miami. Be warned that the books are large in size, leather bound and rather expensive.

Provincial Museum - Wuhan:  Exhibition: The Eagle Across Europe -Napoleon 1769-1821"

Nationalmuseet – Copenhagen: www.natmus.dk/sw1210.asp

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC – Community El Naranjo, Wit Cepi-CEPI, Ingenio Boca Nigua, Ingenio Diego Caballero, Ermita de San Gregorio, Brotherhood of the Congos of the Holy Spirit of Villa Mella

British Museum’s Schools education program www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk
International Slavery Museum – Liverpool, England: www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/ism/
At National Museums Liverpool our Maritime Archives and Library have a number of online information sheets about tracing your ancestors and some useful links to other archive and maritime websites.

London Sugar and Slavery Museum - London England:

Maritime Library: www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/maritime/archive/collections/index.aspx

The library has the second most complete series of Lloyd's List 1741-1974 in England, Lloyd's Register of Shipping from 1764, Lloyd's Captains' Registers, 1874-1887, and the national set of Customs Bills of Entry for Britain and Ireland, 1820-1939.

National Archives of England: www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/

National Gallery Museum - London: www.nationalgallery.org.uk/

Museum of St. Helena. Jamestown, St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean: http://www.museumofsainthelena.org/
University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology – Cambridge: www.maa.cam.ac.uk/

World Museum Liverpool – Liverpool:

Musée du Louvre. Pavillon des Sessions – Paris: www.louvre.fr/en/departments/pavillon-des-sessions

Musée des Beaux-Arts – Caen: www.mba.caen.fr

Musée Africain – Lyon: www.musee-africain-lyon.org

Musée des Arts d'Afrique et d'Asie – Vichy:

National Archives of France

Slavery - Virtual Museum of France

Ethnologisches Museum – Berlin: www.smb.museum/home.html
Museum der Weltkulturen - Frankfurt am Main: www.weltkulturenmuseum.de/

Hamburgisches Museum fuer Voelkerkunde – Hamburg: www.voelkerkundemuseum.com/
Niedersaechsisches llandesmuseum - Hannover; http://www.landesmuseum-hannover.niedersachsen.de/
Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum: www.museenkoeln.de/ Germany 
Museums für VölkerkundeLeipzig: www.mvl-grassimuseum.de in Germany (translated page below) Benin Bronze in Collection: translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.culturall.de/kultur/leipzig/museen/voelkerkundemuseum.leipzig/voelkerkundemuseum.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3DMuseums%2Bf%25C3%25BCr%2BV%25C3%25B6lkerkunde%2B%25E2%2580%2593%2BLeipzig:%26es_sm%3D93

Museum of Nzema Culture and History - Fort Apollonia: www.ghanamuseums.org/nzema-culture-museum.ph
The National Museum, Accra: www.ghanamuseums.org/national-museum.php
St. George’s Castle (Elmina Castle) Museum: http://www.ghanamuseums.org/forts/fort-st-george-castle.php

The Cape Coast Castle Museum: www.ghanamuseums.org/cape-coast-museum.php
Upper East Regional Museum - Bolgatanga: http://uppereastregionalmuseum.ghana0.com/
Ussher Fort Museum – Accra, Ghana: http://www.ghanamuseums.org/forts/fort-ussher.php
Volta Region Museum: www.ghanamuseums.org/

National Archaeological Museum –Athens, Greece: http://www.namuseum.gr/wellcome-en.html

National Archive of Haiti: http://archivesnationales.gouv.ht/fr/index.php (English version)
 La Citadelle, Ramiers Sans et Sousi, Habitation Poy la générale, Júmecourt, Santo, Guillou, Gérard Camp

"The Slave Route" from Portal, is accessed through the address: www.lacult.org/sitios_memoria/index.php?lan=es (In Spanish it does have a translator on the page for English)
April 7, 2008 Portal of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Publication in multimedia format on Sites of Memory "Slave Route" in the Latin Caribbean already has a Web version in Section devoted to "The Slave Route" from the "Portal of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean" , which is accessed through the address:

www.lacult.org/sitios_memoria/index.php?lan=es . 

Launched recently in Havana, Cuba, published jointly by the UNESCO
 / Havana and UNESCO / Port-au-Prince Offices, offers comprehensive information about the 25 Sites of Memory "Slave Route" identified in Aruba, Cuba Haiti and Dominican Republic, four of them belonging to the World Heritage List and two included in the list of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde – Leiden: http://volkenkunde.nl/en
Tropenmuseum – Amsterdam: tropenmuseum.nl/en
Afrika-Museum - Berg en Dal bij Nijmegen: www.afrikamuseum.nl/
Världskultur Museerna: https://www.varldskulturmuseerna.se/en/etnografiskamuseet/research-collections/collections/africa/benin-city/
Wereldmuseum – Rotterdam: www.wereldmuseum.nl/en/home.html

National Archives of Ireland: www.nationalarchives.ie/  has searchable databases with information on Irish Prisoners shipped to Australia 

Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico Luigi Pigorini – Rome: www.pigorini.beniculturali.it/
Peggy Guggenheim Collection - Venice: http://www.guggenheim-venice.it/inglese/default.html
Pontificio Museo Missionario-Etnologico – Vatican, Rome: http://mv.vatican.va/2_IT/pages/MET/MET_Main.html

National Museum of Ethnology – Osaka, Japan: http://www.minpaku.ac.jp/english/

National Archives - http://nlsahopta.nlsa.ac.za/nla/index.html

National Library in Antananarivo - http://nlsahopta.nlsa.ac.za/nla/index.html

Ahmed Baba Institute of Higher Learning and Islamic Research (IHERI-AB) Government of Mali – Holdings of over 30,000 manuscripts. The government of Mali had instituted the Ahmed Baba Centre for Documentation and Research (CEDRAB-the abbreviated title it is generally referred to in French) in Timbuktu in 1973. The origins of the Centre go back to a meeting convened by UNESCO, in 1967 in Timbuktu.

The Mamma Haidara Memorial Library Abdel Kader Haidara, custodian of Mamma Haidara Library. The Mamma Haidara Library was started by Abdul Kader Haidara, former employee of the Ahmed Baba Institute (IHERI-AB). After leaving the Centre he devoted all of his time and energy to preserve his own family’s manuscript collection and was successful in setting up the Mamma Haidara Memorial Library, which was the first of its kind in Mali.

The Haidara family is renowned for its scholars and judges. Abdul Kader’s father, Mamma Haidara, was not only a Qadi (judge), but also a scholar who taught classical Islamic sciences such as Jurisprudence and Arabic Grammar. His personal library dates back to the 16th century and is one of the largest and oldest collections in the city.

This library was established by Mamma Haidara’s forebear, Mohamed El Mawlud, and was handed down to his descendants, generation after generation. Mamma Haidara added to it substantially, buying manuscripts while studying in Egypt and Sudan. He also studied under local scholars in the village learning Centres of Arawan and Boujbeyha, procuring manuscripts there as well. In addition to his Timbuktu library, Mamma Haidara had also established an archive in the village of Bamba. Abdul Kader began cataloguing his inherited collection and was assisted by the al-Furqan Heritage Foundation in London, which agreed to publish his catalogue. Currently four of the projected five volumes in the catalogue have been published. 

The Timbuktu Andalusian Library (Fondo Ka’ti) Fondo Ka'ti Library

The Biblioteca Andalusi de Tombuctu, less elaborately referred to as the Fondo Ka’ti Library was officially opened on September 27 2003, with generous funding from the Spanish government because of the links of the Ka’ti family, the founders of the library, with Spain. The library was started by Ismael Diadié Haidara, descendent of Mahmud Ka’ti, the famous Timbuktu chronicler renowned for his Ta'rikh al-Fattash. Ismael claims that his paternal family descends from Roderique the Goth, the Christian ruler of Spain at the time of the arrival of the Arabs under the leadership of Tariq ibn Ziyad. The Christian rulers were split over whether to welcome the Arabs or to oppose them and he explains that his ancestors welcomed the Arabs and were amongst the first to embrace Islam. His ancestor ‘Ali ibn Ziyad finally left Andalusia in the 1460’s and settled in the village of Goumbou, on the border of Mauritania and Mali. ‘Ali ibn Ziyad married Khadija, sister to the Songhai ruler, Askia Muhammad. In this way Spanish, Arab and African lineages were mingled and finally found abode in Timbuktu.

The al-Wangari Manuscript Library al-Wangari Library
The al-Wangari Manuscript Library was officially opened on September 26 2003 and is overseen by Mukhtar bin Yayha al-Wangari. The library consists of approximately 3000 manuscripts and is based on the original library of Shaykh Muhammad Baghayogho, a distinguished 16th-century shaykh and jurist originally from the town of Jenne.

This collection contains many works by Sudanese and Moroccan scholars. The oldest document consists of copied parts of the Qur’an and is dated to 1695. Besides religious texts, it also contains some important historical documents.

The library was established sometime between Shaykh Baghayogho al-Wangari’s settlement in Timbuktu and his death in 1594. Although the library was preserved by the shaykh’s son and then several generations after him, it ultimately dissolved over time. The manuscripts were scattered amongst various family members in Jenne, Goundam and also Timbuktu.

It was through the efforts of Mukhtar bin Yayha al-Wangari that a comprehensive attempt to recollect these manuscripts was made. Through research involving oral testimony and primary written documentation, as well as meetings with the entire family, he managed to revive Shaykh Muhammad Baghayogho’s library.

Tombouctou Manuscripts Project is supported by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung (https://www.gerda-henkel-stiftung.de/foundation) and the University of Cape Town (http://www.uct.ac.za/).

National Archives of the Netherlanden.nationaalarchief.nl/

Badagry Heritage Museum – Badagry, Lagos, Nigeria: www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152161571723019.1073741864.82573393018&type=3
Badagry Slave Port: www.freemaninstitute.com/nigeria.htm

Catherine Acholonu Research Center for African Studies (CARC) Abuja– Nigeria: www.carcafriculture.org/

Currency Museum of the Central Bank of Nigeria – Abuja, Nigeria: http://www.cenbank.org/museum/index.html

Federal Ministry of Information National Archives - Ibadan (NNAI) Nigeria http://fmi.gov.ng/aboutus/departments-units/departments/national-archives/

Goethe Museum – Lagos Nigeria: http://www.goethe.de/ins/ng/lag/enindex.htm?wt_sc=lagos

National Commission for Museums and Monuments - Nigeria: www.ncmm.gov.ng

National Museum of Benin - Benin City, Nigeria:

Nigerian National Museum – Lagos, Nigeria: www.facebook.com/NATIONALMUSEUMLAGOS

Nike Center for Art and Culture – Lagos Nigeria: www.nikeart.com

Nnamdi Azikiwe University – Awka, Nigeria: www.unizik.edu.ng/

Paul University – Awka, Nigeria: http://www.pauluniversity.edu.ng/

Scala Archives: http://www.scalarchives.com/web/ricerca_risultati.asp?SC_Luogo=National+Museum%2C+Lagos%2C+Nigeria&prmset=on&SC_PROV=RA&SC_Lang=eng

Tada National Museum – Lagos, Nigeria: http://www.scalarchives.com/web/ricerca_risultati.asp?SC_Luogo=National+Museum%2C+Lagos%2C+Nigeria&prmset=on&SC_PROV=RA&SC_Lang=eng

The Center for Black and African Art and Civilization – Port Harcourt, Nigeria: www.cbaac77.com/

The National Museum at Kaduna: www.northernnigeriatourism.com/states/kaduna.html

The Owo Museum in Ondo State: www.ondostate.gov.ng/new/tourism.php?id=6

Universitetets Etnografisk Museum - Historisk Museum – Oslo:http://www.khm.uio.no/english/visit-us/historical-museum/exhibitions/

Museum of African Art – Belgrade: http://www.museumofafricanart.org/en/

Folken Museum Etnografiska – Stockholm:

Medelhavsmuseet - Stockholm: www.varldskulturmuseerna.se/en/medelhavsmuseet/

Museum of Ethnography has over 30,000 objects from the African continent, spread across more than 900 collections. As many as 47 of Africa's current 54 states are represented. 

Världskulturmuseet – Ostasiatiskamuseet: http://www.varldskulturmuseerna.se/en/ostasiatiskamuseet/
“In 1897, the British captured Benin City in eastern Nigeria, dethroned the Nigerian King and emptied his royal palace of its treasures. Over 2,000 artefacts were shipped to England to be auctioned off in order to pay for the war against Benin, Nigeria. When arriving in Europe, the bronze statutes were seen as war trophies and curiosities. However, they were soon to be recognized as masterpieces of art.”  To read more follow the link below.

Museum Rietberg – Zurich: www.rietberg.ch/en-gb/collection.aspx  “The Museum Rietberg Zurich is the only art museum for non-European cultures in Switzerland exhibiting an internationally renowned collection of art from Asia, Africa and Ancient America.”
Musée Barbier-Mueller – Geneva: www.Barbier-Mueller.ch/homefr.htm Africa collection translated into English http://www.barbier-mueller.ch/?lang=en
Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève – Geneva: www.ethnogeneve.museum.com
Museum der Kulturen – Basel: www.mkb.ch/de/home.html

“Their collection inventory with more than 300,000 objects is impressive and of world renown. For generations comprehensive collection priorities emerged with gems from Europe, Africa, America, Oceania, Indonesia, South, Central and East Asia. Beside ethnographic artifacts was created a collection of about 50,000 historic photographs. They are also the object as well as source for research on the object.” Statement from the Museum der Kulturen.
Musée d'Ethnographie – Neuchâtel: www.men.ch
“The history of the collections of the Museum of Ethnography of Neuchâtel (MEN) dates back to the 18th century when, in 1795, General Charles Daniel de Meuron gives his cabinet of natural history at the City of Neuchâtel.….Today, the MEN include some 50,000 objects of which about half is represented by the African collections: Eastern and Southern Africa; Angola 30's; Sahara and Sahel (Tauregs and Moors); Gabon” Statement from the Musee d’Ethnographie.

Neil A. Frankel:  http://www.slaverysite.com/index.html

www.en.unesco.org/ The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations
A wide range of books, manuals and reports about World Heritage for adults and young people are available for purchase or download on this website, in several languages.

You may download and print a free general information kit about World Heritage in English, French or Spanish from this website, as well as other brochures and materials.

If you would like to receive a general information kit or other materials, please send your name, address and language preference (English, French and Spanish) to the address below.
Worldwide Cultural Archives for preservation and stabilization programs.


WORLD Heritage Centre UNESCO 7, Place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France Tel.: 33 (01) 45 68 16 60 Fax: 33 (01) 45 68 55 70 E-mail: wh-info@unesco.org

The Archival Center for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles – Los Angeles, CA: archivalcenter.org

Art Institute of Chicago - Chicago, IL: www.artic.edu

Atlanta History Center - Atlanta, Georgia: www.atlantahistorycenter.com

Auburn Avenue Research Library - Atlanta, Georgia: www.afpls.org/auburn-avenue-research-library

Avery Research Center College of Charleston – Charleston SC: www. avery.cofc.edu/

Barnum Museum - Bridgeport, CT: (Egyptian mummy)

Bessie Smith Arts and Cultural Center – Chattanooga, TN: http://www.bessiesmithcc.org/

Black Heritage Museum - Tarboro, NC: www.bhmacc.org/

Boston Museum of Fine Arts - Boston MA: www.mfa.org/

Brooklyn Museum – Brooklyn, NY: http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/exhibitions/african_art

Carol County Museum Farm (Civil War Era Blacksmith): http://civilwarblacksmith.com/

Catholic Archives of Louisiana: http://archives.arch-no.org/

Center for Heirs Property – Charleston, SC: www.heirsproperty.org/

Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice - Brown University: http://brown.edu/initiatives/slavery-and-justice/

Cherokee – Museum of the Cherokee –Cherokee NC: www.cherokeemuseum.org

Chickasaw Cultural Center – Sulphur, OK: www.chickasawcountry.com/
Creek Council House MuseumOkmulgee, OK:

Drake House Museum: http://drakehouse.tripod.com/html/underground_rr4.html

DuSable Museum of African-American History – Chicago, IL: www.dusablemuseum.org

Dutch National Archives – National Archives of the Netherland: en.nationaalarchief.nl/

Eastern Illinois University Booth Library – Charleston, IL: http://new.library.eiu.edu/ 

Fernbank Science Center - Atlanta, GA: www.fernbank.edu

Fernbank Museum of Natural History – Atlanta, GA: www.fernbankmuseum.org

The Field Museum of Natural History – Chicago, IL: www.fieldmuseum.org

Five Civilized Tribe Museum - Muskogee, OK: www.fivetribes.org

Freddrick Douglass House - Washington District Columbia: www.nps.gov/frdo/

Frontier Museum: Staunton VA: www.frontiermuseum.org

Georgia State Archives – Marrow, GA: www.georgiaarchives.org

Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum – Grand Rapids, MI: www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov

George Washington University (Vlach, John Michael.Back of the Big House: The Cultural Landscape of the Plantation”) http://www.gwu.edu/~folklife/bighouse/

The Gullah Museum – Hilton Head, SC: www.gullahmuseumhhi.org

Harriet Beecher Stowe Home - Cincinnati, OH: www.stowehousecincy.org

Hubbard House - Ashtabula, OH: www.hubbardhouseugrrmuseum.org

Hudson Library and Historical Society – Hudson, OH: www.hudsonlibrary.org/

Indianapolis Museum of Art – Indianapolis, IN: www.imamuseum.org/

Jamaica Archives and Records Department: http://jard.gov.jm/

Jekyll Island Authority Museum – Jekyll Island, GA: www.jekyllisland.com/history/musuem/

The Wanderer (ship) left Africa with 500 people and though in 1858, they did not all make it alive to Jekyll Island, it is the last known slave ship to dock on the shores of America.

Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia Ferris State University - Big Rapids, MI: www.ferris.edu/jimcrow/

John Parker House - Ripley, Ohio: www.johnparkerhouse.org

Kansas Historical Society – Topeka, KS: www.kshs.org/

Kansas Museum of History – Topeka, KS: http://kshs.org/kansapedia/kansas-museum-of-history/18161

Kelton House - Columbus, OH: www.keltonhouse.com/

Kingdom of Oyotunji African Village – Sheldon, SC

Library of Congress – Washington DC: www.loc.gov

Louisiana History Museum:  www.louisianahistorymuseum.org

Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage - www.mmjh.org

Massachusetts Historical Society - www.masshist.org/

Metropolitan Museum of Art – New York, NY: www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/igbo/hd_igbo.htm

Moonstone Arts Center- Philadelphia, PA: http://www.moonstoneartscenter.org/

The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston – Boston, MA: www.mfa.org

Museum of African-American History - Nantucket Island:

National Archives – Marrow, GA: www.archives.gov/

American Slavery and Slave Trade Records: http://www.archives.gov/research/african-americans/slavery-records-civil.html

National Great Blacks in Wax Museum – Baltimore, MD:

National Museum of Native Americans – Washington DC: http://nmai.si.edu/

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center - Cincinnati, Ohio: www.freedomcenter.org/

National Museum of African Art: Washington DC: www.africa.si.edu

National Park Service – Civil War: www.nps.gov/civilwar

NPS Natchez Trace Trail – AL, MS: www.nps.gov/natt/index.htm

Oak Alley PlantationVacherie, LA: www.oakalleyplantation.com

Ohio Historical Society’s Archives/Library – Columbus, OH: www.ohiohistory.org/collections--archives/archives-library

Old Salem Village - Old Salem, NC: www.oldsalem.org/

Oluntungi Village – Sheldon, SC: www.oyotunji.org/

Pawnee Indian Museum – Pawnee Trail Republic, KS: http://kshs.org/pawnee_indian

Penn Center – St. Helena Island, SC – www.penncenter.com
Penn Center (School) MuseumSt. Helena Island, SC: www.penncenter.com/museum

Philip Simmons Foundation, Inc. – Charleston, SC: www.philipsimmons.us/aboutsimmons.html

Pine Bluff Arts & Science Center - Pine Bluff, AK: www.asc701.org/

Pitt River Museum University of Oxford – UK:  www.prm.ox.ac.uk

Plantation Quilts: www.PlantationQuilts.com

Museum of Primitive Art and Culture - Rhode Island: http://www.primitiveartmuseum.org/Collections.htm

River Road African-American Museum - Donaldsonville, LA: www.africanamericanmuseum.org
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture & New York Public Library – New York, NY: www.nypl.org/locations/schomburg

The above information are excerpts from my book
"Keeper of the Fire"

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For book signings, exhibits or programs: 

Call Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp in USA at (404) 468-7050.

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Igbo: E kwere m ị me ọke m. 
English Translation: "I agree to do my part."‏

Follow us on Facebook: Mrs. Teresa R. Kemp &
UGRR Secret Quilt Code Museum

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Email me at: trkemp@PlantationQuilts.com

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