I received with the details of my July 6-17th, 2014 ASA medical mission trip. I am honored to be able to participate and my goal is to take 10,000 pairs of eye glasses to Nigeria & Ghana. I was able to assist Ms. Danashaba King (President Clinton's Business Person of the Year) to raise and send 10,000 pairs of eye glasses to the Volta Region of Ghana a few years ago and wanted to also contribute to this ASA Medical Mission trip to Nigeria, West Africa detailed below.
With this ASA Medical mission trip and I will to travel with the team to Nigeria to research and assist. If I can't go (US State Dept. has issued travel advisories due to Boka Haram threats to kill all Americans & Election violence even though they are in the North until May 25th, 2015). Dr. Anakwenze committed to pay for the shipping of the eye glasses. They will be on the plane with me. They will also pay for the security and ground transportation to the ten cities where
If Americans are not allowed to travel they will take the eyeglasses for me. The team is all using one travel agent and we all will assemble at one international port and will fly into Abuja, Nigeria. We will travel with security by ground to the 10 cities where the free medical services will be provided for the community. I have been working diligently to get stronger with water aerobics so I can live strong.
I am both purchasing eyeglasses and checking at a eye care centers or Dr. Offices for eyeglasses that were donated.
When I called the Levitin Eye Care 3469 E Broad St Columbus, OH (614) 235-2392. They told me they have a free donation box and I am welcome to pick up all of the eye glasses.I will be picking eyeglasses up for quite a few locations this week.
If you have any available, I will work to coordinate the collection.
I am asking individuals for their old eye glasses that will be repaired, cleaned and packed or to go to a Dollar General and purchase a pair of eye glasses for $1.00 any strength is fine. Please pass this information to anyone you know who might want to assist.
Sample of the Dollar Tree for on-line order of Eye Glasses – 72 in a case @ $1.00 per pair. 7 different strengths. My goal is 140 Cases of positive strength eye glasses made up of the following strengths.
I need eye glasses that have negative strengths also.
I am try to complete the collection by June 5th, 2015. That will allow time to count, check, label and pack for shipment of the collected eye glasses.
Call me and I assist in pick up or give mailing instructions to one central location. If before May 10th, Mail to:
Mrs. Teresa Kemp
for ASA Medical Mission Trip
794 Sheridan Park Court
794 Sheridan Park Court
Columbus, Ohio 43209.
Thanking you in advance for your consideration.

Anambra Worldwide (ASA-World) Medical Mission to Anambra State
July 6th to the 17th 2015:
This is a reminder to all Stakeholders, well-wishers and philanthropists wishing to “pay it forward” from all the blessing and the privileges they have enjoyed. Anambra Worldwide (ASA-World) 2015 Medical Mission to Anambra State is scheduled for July 6th to the 17th 2015:.
Anambra Worldwide Diasporas (ASA-World), a non-profit umbrella Anambra Diasporas organization is herewith, broadcasts a reminder to all Anambra Stakeholders, Well-Wishers and philanthropists its July 1st to the 10th 2015 free Medical Mission to Anambra State.
This years’ free Medical Mission to Anambra State of Nigeria is scheduled for July 6th to the 17th 2015:. The Mission is envisioned by Anambra State indigenes (ASA-World) from across the globe and so far, sponsored by our 27 member organizations from across the globe, Global Healthcare Foundation, Stakeholders (those who believe that anyone living in Anambra and surrounds with access to the Mission would be welcome), our world-wide well-wishers and philanthropists from across the globe.
ASA World membership is currently made up of Anambra State indigenes from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, South Africa, China, Dubai, Russia, Spain, Japan, Iceland, Ireland, Pakistan, India etc.
The core participants in this Mission are Clinicians, physicians, pharmacists, Nurses, Dentists, Optometrists, Opticians, Specialists in all medical fields and Social workers; professionals with strong clarity of purpose and sole agenda of working together with all stakeholders, government and non-government organization in meeting the needs of the citizenries of our home state of Anambra State. We are also, putting out calls for Professionals and Volunteers from “all walks of lives”; Anambrarians and non-Anambra volunteers are welcome as well. To those non-Anambra Doctors, Professionals and Volunteers who have answered our call, we say, “Thank you”!
This mission will include examination, care and treatment of thousands of people in Anambra States and surrounds needing surgeries, restoration of sights, dispensation of medications, prostate, gynecological exams, treatment and counseling for hypertension, diabetics, gastrointestinal and other infectious diseases.
Because we are anticipating that hundreds of patients will present with variety of inconceivable illnesses; from eye disease ranging from cataract blood pressure, prostate and some, we hope to have sufficient staff to examine, treat and perform surgeries where necessary, as such, we are soliciting interests from Clinicians, physicians, pharmacists, Nurses, Dentists, Optometrists, Opticians, Specialists in all medical fields professionals with kind hearts to donate their time, tool, equipment and or fund for this noble initiative.
All our ASA-World members and our partners in service organization are expected to bring along to this Mission, their customary “Signature Projects” that have in the past, included innovation, Science and technology transfer, skills acquisitions /development, vocational training, scholarship initiatives, university to university student exchange program, motherless and orphanage charity missions to this 2015 mission.
Paramount to this Medical Mission is heightening interest from Stakeholders, well-wishers and philanthropists wishing to “pay it forward” and interested in making this Mission a success. That means that all our Member Service Organizations, Stakeholders, Well-Wishers and Medical Volunteer group are required to genuinely participate:
· In sourcing interest(s) from doctors in their respective countries (No restriction from state of origin; non-Anambra volunteers are welcome)
· Member Service Organizations, in sourcing their minimum contribution of $2000.00 ( two thousand dollars) required of the respective ASA-World member countries in support of this initiative
· In the intensive campaign(s) required to engender interest in the projects
· By paying $3500.00 (three thousand dollars) required by sponsors of respective towns slated for 2015 mission. Payment must be received by ASA-World Financial Secretary on or before the deadline of April 30th 2015.
MISSION PURPOSE: To offer Free Medical Services to the under-privileged, to save lives of the impoverished people of Anambra State/Nigeria and to contribute in the capacity building relevant to the growth and sustainable development of Anambra State/Nigeria (Our home state/homeland).
DURATION OF THE MISSION: July 6th to the 17th 2015.
CITIES/TOWNS: 10 Towns are slated, 6 are currently declared “Prospects” and or are “Paid”. There are seven prospects to date. Some of who have made partial payment to hold and or full payment to secure their towns. They include:
- Ihembosi
- Oko
- Orama-Etiti-Anam
- Ozubulut
- Oba
- Obosi
- Abagana
- Agulu-Uzoigbo
- Open – Hurry! Call to add your town before someone takes this spot
- Open - Hurry! Call to add your town before someone takes this spot
Our congratulations to the “Prospects” but payment must be received immediately or before the due date to guarantee that the Mission goes to their respective towns.
PERSONELS STILL NEEDED: We thank those Medical and non-Medical professionals who have come forward, mostly Doctors, Pharmacists, Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists , Internal Medicines, Social Workers, Nurses, dentists, and allied medical field practitioners as we look forward to those wishing to join this noble efforts. Those volunteers and professional wishing to participate are to contact:
WORLDWIDE CONTACT: In USA; Dr. Nwachukwu Anakwenze (Mission / ASA-World Chair) @ (310) 993-8053 or e-mail, United Kingdom- Christian Onuorah, +447568141220 or ( Canada, Christopher Nwakoby-, Spain, Chris Ofodile 0034632989416 South Afric, Frank Anyaeche, +27829677670,, Japan, Chief Tony Ikeotuonye, Dubai, Dennis Ilechukwu,P+971501577134
For this Medical Mission to be successful, all the Member Service Organizations, Stakeholders, Well-Wishers and Medical Volunteer group will be required to genuinely participate. I am pleased to announce that we now have from almost all our chapters; from Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Dubai, South Africa etc.
10 Doctors
5 Pharmacists
3 Optometrists
6 Nurse Practitioners
4 Registered Nurses
At least 20 Volunteers; Social Workers, Counsellors, Psychologists and many individual willing to volunteer their time , equipment and money. (No restriction from state of origin; non-Anambra volunteers are welcome)
Member Service Organizations, to continue to source donors, volunteers and to contribute $2000.00 ( two thousand dollars) towards the mission
Sponsors to pay $3500.00 (three thousand dollars) required by sponsors on or by April 30th 2015
Anambra Worldwide Diasporas goal remains to continue to collaborate with the leadership in our home State in seeking sustainable human/infrastructural growth and development. From ASA-World’s perspective, the Diaspora value added to sustainable human/infrastructural growth and development is an immeasurable factor that should be taken seriously. As such, we pledge continued involvement through medical mission and other ways conceivable, in seeking emerging issues and service gaps that are paramount to the growth and Sustainable Development of Anambra State of Nigeria. See you all July 6th to the 17th 2015:
Together we shall prevail!
Chudi Asidianya, BA, MA, LSC Dr. Nwachukwu Anakwenze
ASA-World General Secretary ASA-World Chairman
P: 905-447-3726| F: 905-432-7602 P: 1310-993-8053
In solidarity with Diaspora Anambra globally from Canada, United States , United Kingdom, Spain, South Africa, Russia, China, Japan, Ireland, Iceland, Holland, Pakistan, India, Dubai, Greenland
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